Welcome from President Barb Ross
The Apple Valley Music Teachers Association is a club of music teachers in the Apple Valley, MN area. Our members teach private and group lessons in every instrument, composition and theory. We also provide students with opportunities to participate in Festival and community recitals.
If you are a private music teacher looking to network with other teachers and provide your students with performance opportunities or a student looking for a teacher, please use the "Contact Us" button above.
Apple Valley Music Teachers Association
Organized in 1982
The AVMTA is a non-profit educational organization
dedicated to dignifying our profession by:
*raising the standards of music education
and performance in the community;
*stimulating interest in good music;
*exchanging ideas of creative teaching;
*cooperating with civic groups;
*following a code of ethics;
*recommending, protecting, and supporting fellow teachers.
The AVMTA will pursue these goals by organizing monthly meetings, master classes, programs, join recitals, social events, and community performances.
The AVMTA will welcome as a member any teacher of music, public or private, residing or teaching in Apple Valley
or adjacent areas.
The members of AVMTA agree that we shall consider ourselves professionals, expect our students to do the same, and at all times conduct ourselves and our studios according to the highest professional standards.
AVMTA Officers 2022-2023:
President: Sarah Twedt
Vice-President: Kirsten Hanninen
Treasurers: Sarah Twedt & Heidi Krauter
Festival Chairperson: Sarah Twedt
Co-Chairs: Heidi Krauter, Shirley Erickson
Website: Shirley Erickson
Outreach & Publicity: Susan Jacobson
Historian/Scrapbook: Kirsten Hanninen
Joint Recitals: Tamie Morken
Nursing Home Programs: Shirley Erickson/Barb Ross